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Welcome to the 


The SAMI Store was created in honor of our daughter, Samantha Josephson, to feature products designed to educate others on ride share safety!

We are sincerely grateful to each and every one of you for your continued support through your personal efforts including the purchase of these important products! 

Before you get in a ride share ask "What's My Name?"

and remember hers.



Seymour and Marci Josephson



Please be aware that #SAMISTRONG and #WHATSMYNAME merchandise is being sold by unauthorized entities through Amazon and other third party websites.  These organizations seek to profit from the death of our daughter and as you can imagine, we are not OK with that. 

We have created AUTHENTIC SAMI MERCH which is now live and available on our AMAZON PRIME SAMI STORE at this direct link and can be easily accessed via the QR code on this page. Our products are now labeled as AUTHENTIC SAMI MERCH and we would appreciate it very much if you would only purchase

from our authentic SAMI STORE link below!

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